Monday, January 28, 2019

Tasting - Carolo Rossi Moscato Sangria

Name: Carlo Rossi Moscato Sangria Wine Specialty Beverage
Variety: California Table Wine
Region: Modesto, California
Country: USA
Year: 2017
Price: $4.00

Winery Review: "Our Moscato Sangria is smooth and delicious with tropical flavors and hints of summer fruits, Apple, orange, and peach combines perfectly with an ideal amount of refreshment and sweetness"
- Shop Review

My Review: Smells sweet with hints of peach. I think the peach is more overpowering and takes away from the apple taste but that is fine with me as I do not like apple flavored things. It is a light, sweet wine that reminds me of summer nights and barbecues. It is also not as dense as regular sangria. I would definitely buy again. 

I did not try this wine with food.

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