Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Tasting - Bay Bridge Chardonnay

Name: Bay Bridge Vineyard Chardonnay
Variety: 100% Chardonnay
Region: Livermore & Ripon, California
Country: USA
Year: No price on the bottle
Price: $3.00

Winery Review: "For an inexpensive wine, this one is great...It has a rich buttery flavor and is much better than equally prices Two-Buck Chuck at Trader Joe's. If you were at a wine-tasting venue and sampled this, you would say it is much more expensive."
- donna302 (10/11/2010) 

My Review: Tried the swirl and sniff, and my first impression was the smell of pear. It did not smell like a sweet wine. Upon tasting it, it was not as tarte as I expected. It is sweet and not bitter but not sweet like fruit. I think this wine would be good paired with steak. For the price, I have to agree, it is pretty good but I would not buy again.

I did not try this with food.

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